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Solar Battery charger circuit


Updated: Nov 30, 2023

How does Solar power work?

How much daylight that strikes the world's surface in 90 minutes is sufficient to deal with the whole world's energy utilization for an entire year. Sun powered advancements convert daylight into electrical energy either through photovoltaic (PV) boards or through mirrors that concentrate sun based radiation. This energy can be utilized to produce power or be put away in batteries or warm stockpiling.

Underneath, you can track down assets and data on the nuts and bolts of sun oriented radiation, photovoltaic and concentrating sun based nuclear energy advances, electrical framework frameworks joining, and the non-equipment perspectives (delicate expenses) of sun powered energy. You can likewise study how to go sunlight based and the sun powered energy industry. Furthermore, you can plunge further into sun powered energy and find out about how the U.S. Branch of Energy Sun powered Energy Advances Office is driving creative innovative work there.

How to make Solar Battery charger?

Here is the basic circuit to charge 12V, 1.3Ah battery-powered Lead-corrosive battery from the sunlight based board. This sun based charger has current and voltage guideline and furthermore has over voltage cut off offices. This circuit may likewise be utilized to charge any battery at steady voltage since yield voltage is customizable.

Particulars of the Charging Circuit

Solar Power rating – 5W/17V

Output Voltage – Variable (5V – 14V).

Maximum Output current – 0.29 Amps.

Drop out voltage-2-2.75V.

Voltage Regulation : +/ - 100mV

Solar Battery Charger circuit diagram

Sunlight based battery charger worked on the rule that the charge control circuit will deliver the consistent voltage. The charging current passes to LM317 voltage controller through the diode D1. The yield voltage and current are controlled by changing the change pin of LM317 voltage controller. Battery is charged utilizing a similar current.

List of Circuit Components

Solar panel – 17V

LM317 voltage regulator

DC battery

Diode – 1n4007

Capacitor – 0.1uF

Schottky diode – 3A, 50V

Resistors – 220, 680 ohms

Pot – 2K

Connecting wires

Solar power Battery Charger Circuit Design

Circuit should have flexible voltage controller , so Variable voltage controller LM317 is chosen. Here LM317 can deliver a voltage from 1.25 to 37 volts greatest and most extreme current of 1.5 Amps.

Customizable Voltage controller has regular voltage drop of 2 V-2.5V .So Solar board is chosen with the end goal that it has more voltage than the heap. Here I am choosing 17v/5w sun based board.

Lead corrosive battery which is utilized here has determination of 12v/1.3Ah. To charge this battery following are required.

Schottky diode is utilized to shield the LM317 and board from switch voltage created by the battery when it isn't charging. Any 3 A diode can be utilized here.

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